Friday, November 21, 2014

Another Week, More Stories!

Hola Todos-

Today has been another great week at the MTC, where the missionaries are a little stir crazy, the food is bad and the Spanish is even improving!

I've decided that we need to make a sitcom about our Zone. We have some really funny Hermanas y Eldres and some Hermanas y Eldres who are very funny without trying. Take Elder Hwang- he's this Korean Elder trying to learn Spanish. He's the oldest out of all of us- he's 22. Several times this week, he's tried to talk to us and he's been cut off. Like when Elder Bradshaw was telling a story and he asked Elder Hwang a question, and Elder Hwang tried to answer, and Elder Bradshaw cut him off and kept telling the story. Poor Elder Hwang.

And then there's Elder Rassmussen. He is a crack-up, but I don't think he ever tries to be funny. Yesterday, for instance, he came out of his classroom and was looking for Elder Bradshaw, but he couldn't leave his companion. We told him that Elder Bradshaw had gone to the bathroom, and to try talking to him thru the wall. So he walks over to the wall, stoops wwwaaayyy down and knocks on the wall and says "Elder Bradshaw, Elder Bradshaw" just as the afore-mentioned Elder Bradshaw rounds the corner and is like "What?!?!" It was way funny. It's just great.

The Hermanas are great, too. One of the sisters next door is Hermana Summers, and she's fantastic. She's really open, and hyper, and talks about anything and everything, and barks like a dog. But her companions are really serious, and put together, and it's funny seeing them try to work together.

The rest of our zone leaves on Monday morning, and we do not want them to leave. When they leave, it will be just us 6 sisters. That's it. Nada mass. We will have no friend. We're hoping a big snow storm comes and traps them here for another week.

Playing volleyball in gym is one of the best parts of my day (Sorry, Dad, I know you told me not too, but it's so fun) I'm actually getting pretty good. I'm pretty good at serving, and I had a couple of pretty good hits that had the Elders on my team cheering for me. And everyone in my Zone  tries really hard to help me to get better, and set me up for points.

The food is bad. Like, really bad. Like, worse than Hawai'i bad. I was super excited about the beef stroganoff a few days ago, but it turned out to be real bad. It was kinda funny, me and my compa tried to eat it one night for dinner, but it was so bad we couldn't finish it. Then the next day at lunch, Elder Elkins sits down with us and has left over beef stroganoff. We told him it was super bad, but then he tried it and he was like, it just tastes like food, not bad, not good. Boys. They'll eat anything.

Now on to some more spiritual notes. Learning Spanish is hard. But it really makes me focus on what I want to say. I invited my compa to be baptized in Espanol last night, all from memory, and I had to focus on every word. But I did it, and it was a big deal.

I taught a couple of really great lessons this week, and a couple of rough ones. After a particularly rough one, where I felt like I had finally been able to say what I wanted to say in Spanish, I felt like my investigator just wasn't getting it. Like, he understood what I said, but he didn't think it was important or feel what I was saying. Well, right after the lesson, Hermanas Shupp and Jammet and Elders Garcia and Elkins came and we're gonna teach a lesson, but their investigator didn't show up. And I was like "I have an investigator you can teach- me." I was mostly kidding, but they got really excited and the Hermanas and Elder Elkins taught me a lesson, and Elder Garcia took notes. I learned a lot from that lesson, and playing the investigator. I learned that it is a lot easier for investigators to feel the Spirit. I learned that lessons don't have to be long or elaborate or in perfect Spanish. I learned that if you are excited about what you're teaching, your investigator will feel it.

Well, that's all for this week!
Con amor-
Hermana Long

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