Hola family and friends-
I don't have much time, but I wanted to tell a couple of cool stories from the last week.
1. THE BIGGEST MIRACLE OF MY LIFE!!!!! Ok, in my Ward there is this family. We met them a coulple of weeks ago, and we found out that they had taken a little boy into their house and were working on the adoption papers, but they were running into problems. He had lived with them for 9 months, and he really needed a loving home, but they didn't know if they could keep him. About 3 weeks ago, the government told them that they couldn't keep him. It's a really long explanation of why, and it wasn't their fault, but they were told that another family was going to get him. They were heart broken- this two year old boy had suffered so much abuse in his life, and he finally had a family that loved him, and he was going to get taken away. The family was doing everything they could to keep him, the whole Ward was praying and fasting for him, and then the Ward organized a protest to help the family keep their baby. And it worked! They family gets to keep the baby! That Sunday the family walked into chuch and it was the most beautiful thing I´ve ever seen. The mom got up and bore her testimony and it was the most powerful thing I've ever heard!
2. Ok, one more- I had forgotten my scriptures in MTC and I thought I was never gonna get them back. Then last week I went to district meeting, and someone in the MTC had found them and shipped them to me. It was amazing! Best thing ever!
Well, I'm out of time! Love you guys!
Hermana Long